Friday, March 28, 2014

Get Fit Friday - March 2014

Alright, time to come clean - I was a total slacker this month :/  I finished month one of Insanity, but I was seriously half-assing my way through it.  Since then...nope, no motivation at all. 

In my defense, real work has gotten crazy and I've been pretty busy and stressed out.  I know working out is supposed to be a stress reliever, but that's not how I work...stress kind of shuts me down and I have zero energy for anything.  Hopefully it calms down...or at least I get my bearings again (don't think it will actually calm down for awhile).  The good news is I still have a job, and it might turn into a full time gig again at some point (how I feel about that will have to wait for another day).

Eating wise I did pretty well...except for the fact that Brian and I have had zero will power on the weekend, so we ate more fast food than we should have...because hangovers.  I did OK during the week - kept soda to the weekends, limited my snacking & sweets, etc.  But I got kind of bored with what I had been buying for breakfast & lunch, which means I started wanting to snack again.  Another plus side of being busy with work - I have less time to sit and think "ooh, that -insert bad for me food here- would be yummy right now" :)

So, no weight lost this month.  I've gotten pretty good at this maintenance thing though, which gives me hope for when I do actually lose what I want to lose.

The plan for April?  Adios Insanity :) I have been itching to get out and run (something I never thought I'd say...) and its finally warm enough / the sidewalks and streets aren't covered with snow & ice.  Which means I'm getting back out there :)  I made huge progress in my running last fall, before the Polar Vortex, so I'm excited to pick it back up and progress even more.  Disney Princess Half Marathon 2015 - here we come :)

The Tone It Up Bikini Series also starts at the end of April, and I'm excited for that.  I did pretty well with it last year, and I can run now :)

Hopefully you all had a better March than I did :)  And here's to a great April :)

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